  • Bilateral security agreement, Unilateral profit!

9 years ago on September 30, 2014, on this day, the Kabul-Washington security agreement was signed in the presence of Mohammad Hanif Atmar, Afghanistan’s national security advisor, and James Cunningham, the US ambassador in Kabul. A bilateral security agreement that benefited only one party!

The agreement that was supposed to improve the process of peace and security, improve government institutions and support the process of social and economic progress in Afghanistan and encourage regional cooperation.

It is interesting to note that this security agreement was signed just one day after the inauguration ceremony of Ashraf Ghani, the President of the Republic of Afghanistan. As if America was in a hurry to establish military bases in Afghanistan and guarantee its presence!

The current state of Afghanistan shows everything! As always, the only people who do not benefit from bilateral and multilateral agreements are the people of Afghanistan. This story never ends …

Short link: https://tahlilroz.com/?p=3536

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