Jaish al-Adl from rhetoric to action
After the collapse of the terrorist group “Jundallah” led by Abdul Malik Rigi in 2010, another terrorist group was created under the name “Jaish al-Adl” and since 2012, this group has been led by “Abdul Rahim Mollazadeh” with the nickname “Salahuddin Farooqi”.
This terrorist group, which consists of the remnants of Jundullah and Iranian Sunni extremists, considers itself to be the defender of the rights of Iranian Sunnis, especially in Sistan and Baluchistan province, and gives itself the title “Justice and Equality Movement”. But are they right? The answer will be given in this article.
Introducing the leader of Jaish al-Adl
In order to accurately understand a movement, it is extremely important to know its leadership. Abdul Rahim Mollazadeh was born in Rask-Sistan and Baluchistan province of Iran. He was a member of the terrorist group “Jundallah” before the establishment of the terrorist group “Jaish al-Adl”.
Mollazadeh has neither a scientific character nor a popular base. Despite the fact that he presents himself as a defender of the rights of the Sunnis and especially the Baluch, he has always been hated by the Iranian Sunni community, and the actions of Jaish al-Adl group are protested by Sunni people and Sunni religious scholars.
Actions of Jaish al-Adl
Contrary to the justice-loving slogans of this group, their actions have been completely terroristic. Assassination of political figures, taking hostages, bombings, killing border guards and security forces, creating terror among civilians and actions like these represent this terrorist groups’ behavior. It is obvious that such actions have nothing to do with justice.

The role of external intelligence in the organization of Jaish al-Adl
The truth is that the Jaish al-Adl terrorist group, like other terrorist groups in the region, has direct connections with foreign intelligence services. The U.S and Mossad have a direct role in establishing, financing, controlling and directing this terrorist group.
To confirm this claim, it is enough to study the approach of the Western media towards the inhumane actions of Jaish al-Adl. Leaked information from the Mossad (Israel’s foreign intelligence agency) also says that the members of this group were given to this organization after a meeting in London, and after that they work in joint and targeted cooperation with the Mossad officers.
America’s instrumental use of Jaish al-Adl
The U.S has always pursued its political and economic goals in the region through insecurity and creating insecurity. The direct or indirect presence of the U.S in all the countries involved in the conflict is a strong reason for this claim.
Even its closest friends are not exempted from this U.S policy. As an example, Pakistan, India, and from 2001 to 2021, Afghanistan, as strategic partners of the United States, have always been victims of terrorism. It is natural that Iran, as America’s only regional competitor, is at the center of this policy.
Washington has tried to use every opportunity to disrupt Iran’s security. The geographical, ethnic and social situation of Sistan and Baluchistan is one of these opportunities for foreign intelligence.
On the one hand, the U.S pursues its destructive goals by using betrayers, and on the other hand, it justifies its actions under the slogans of human rights and justice. It is clear that Jaish al-Adl is created, led and supported in line with this policy.
Javid Yousefi is an Afghan Analyst
Translator: Mohsen Shahrafiee